Audit Policy:
Our Audit policy is relatively simple – We don’t allow audits. Period. The reason we don’t allow audits is because when people are watching class – even just one person – the feeling in class changes. It changes from a place where actors feel safe to try things they are not good at (yet), into a place where they are ‘performing’ and being watched. This is not what (our) classes are for. Class is the place you go to fail. It’s the place you go to work on things your not yet good at; to expand your comfort zone. And everyone else in class is trying things, experimenting, and risking humiliation too. That is why we NEVER allow people to come and watch class. We hope you understand.
Money Back Guarantee:
Now because we don’t allow audits (but we do demand a two-month commitment from new students!), here’s how we make it fair. We offer you a complete, 100% money-back guarantee. Here’s how it works. You sign-up, you pay, you take your first class. If you like it, GREAT! You’re all set. If you don’t like it, you simply go up to the teacher AT THE END OF THAT FIRST CLASS (or sooner if you can’t stand it THAT much!) and you tell them that the class isn’t for you. You’ll get all your money back. No stress, no guilt, no problem.
Now there is one “catch”. (There’s ALWAYS a catch to money-back guarantees!)
The catch is simply this: If you ask for your money back, you cannot come back. Now that’s not meant to be punitive. It simply means you should be ready to start class and continue IF you do like it. If you don’t like it, as we said, you shouldn’t have to pay a penny, and you don’t. You get all your money back. No worries.
Missed Class Policy:
If you let us know your going to be missing class via email – at the time you are signing-up for class, we will credit you for those class(es). Any other absences will NOT be credited. Obviously if WE cancel a class you will be credited for that.